Tuesday, September 24, 2024

9-24-24 Excellent Guests for Your Show

1. Robert Spencer: Tlaib Cries ‘Islamophobia’ Over Cartoon Showing Her with Exploded Pager

2. Gianna Miceli: Why the Deep State Can't Afford More Trump Supreme Court Appointments

3. Michael Levine: Nearly 30% of Democrats Support Assassination of Donald Trump

4. Col. John Mills: 100,000 Non-US Citizens Allowed to Vote in Arizona

5. Kenneth Rapoza: What to Expect from U.S.-Mexico Relations Under New President Sheinbaum

6. John Lott: Media Push Misleading Crime Stats to Protect Democrat Narrative

7. Daniel Greenfield: Rape is Resistance and Beepers are Genocide

Tlaib Cries ‘Islamophobia’ Over Cartoon Showing Her with Exploded Pager

By Robert Spencer, Author of Muhammad: A Critical Biography

Someone made fun of Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Gaza City), and she and her leftist friends and colleagues are enraged. Now, rage is their default mode, so this was no surprise, but the whole incident provided an illuminating glimpse into how leftists try to arouse and exploit rage for their own purposes, and really don’t have much of anything they can use to motivate their cadres if they aren’t angry about something. Read my new book on Muhammad to discover the true history of Islam and how people like Tlaib became so twisted in their ideologies. [more...]

Why the Deep State Can't Afford More Trump Supreme Court Appointments

By Gianna Miceli

What unseen forces have been in play to ensure that Donald John Trump never takes office again and what is actually at stake that his life is on the line? Have you ever pondered the ripple effects of a single individual’s influence on a nation's highest court? Brace yourself for a journey through the twists and turns as we delve into the enigmatic impact of former President Trump on the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS). The power dynamics and reshaping of justice are nothing short of spellbinding. In the riveting realm of judicial appointments, President Trump made not one, not two, but THREE significant nominations to the Supreme Court – Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett. These selections were not merely names on a list; they were pivotal keystones in the judiciary's foundation, dancing at the intersection of ideology and jurisprudence. What if he gets two more, which is highly likely if he wins this election. [more...]

Nearly 30% of Democrats Support Assassination of Donald Trump

By Michael Levine

In a shocking revelation, America's premier media expert and best-selling author, Michael Levine, has disclosed startling poll results showing that nearly 30% of Democrats believe the U.S. would be better off if former President Trump had been killed in a recent assassination attempt. The survey, conducted by Scott Rasmussen's RMG Research, surveyed 1,000 registered voters and uncovered the alarming fact that nearly 3 in 10 Democrats support the notion that Trump's death would benefit the nation. The results have sent shockwaves through political and media circles, raising questions about the divisive rhetoric that dominates the political landscape. [more...]

100,000 Non-US Citizens Allowed to Vote in Arizona

By Colonel (Ret.) John Mills, Author of War Against the Deep State

A shameful decision from the Arizona Supreme Court - this should go to the Federal Supreme Court

It’s called 18USC611 voting by aliens. You have to be a U.S. citizen to vote in federal elections. A lawless Arizona Supreme Court just threw federal law out the window by saying that Arizona County recorders (often called registrars in other states), have no statute authority to remove voters from the voting rolls. In Virginia, it’s almost the opposite, it is the county registrar that has the predominate authority to add and remove from the voter rolls. This is a civil rights issue. By allowing these unlawful voters, legal voters are having their votes taken away. Pray for decisive action on the Arizona swamp. [more...]

What to Expect from U.S.-Mexico Relations Under New President Sheinbaum

By Kenneth Rapoza, Industry Analyst from the Coalition for a Prosperous America

Claudia Sheinbaum, who won Mexico’s June presidential election with 59% of the vote, will take office in October. She succeeds President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) and shares his political affiliation as a member of the National Regeneration Movement (MORENA). Sheinbaum, the former mayor of Mexico City (2018-2023), will be navigating a complex relationship with the U.S., especially as both countries face shared challenges like immigration, the fentanyl crisis, and China’s rising influence. [more...]

Media Push Misleading Crime Stats to Protect Democrat Narrative

By John Lott

Crime is a major issue in this year’s election, yet major media ignored the release of a significant new government report showing a surge in violent crime. The increase in violent crime during the Biden administration is a record increase. The latest data released last Thursday from the Department of Justice’s National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) reveal a sharp increase in violent crime under the Biden-Harris administration compared to when Trump left office. [more...]

Rape is Resistance and Beepers are Genocide

By Daniel Greenfield, Author of DOMESTIC ENEMIES: The Founding Fathers' Fight Against the Left

There is no legitimate way for Israel to take out a terrorist.

The myth that Israel’s tactics, not its existence, is at issue died with the murdered Jewish families on Oct 7 and the Hezbollah terrorists taken out by pagers on September 17 and 18. No sooner did the encrypted communications devices handed out to members of the Islamic Jihadist group begin exploding than human rights experts and the UN began condemning the single greatest targeted attack on a terror group as a violation of international law. Those same organizations and activists had nothing to say about the Hezbollah rocket attacks on Israeli towns and villages that turned tens of thousands of Jews into refugees in their own country. [more...]

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