Thursday, November 15, 2012

11-15-12 Great Guests for Your Show

1. Wayne Allyn Root: What Went Wrong With My Prediction about Mitt Romney
2. Doug Johnson: Arrogance, Not Truth, Will Guide Obama as He Deals with Benghazi

What Went Wrong With My Prediction about Mitt Romney

I predicted Mitt Romney would win the 2012 election in a landslide. What went wrong? Was my prediction based on hope or bias? My prediction was based on a combination of scientific evidence and common sense. First, it was based on common sense that no president could possibly be re-elected with the worst economy of our lifetimes - with an economy that has produced more months above 8% unemployment (43 of them to be exact) than produced by all the presidents between Harry Truman and George W. Bush combined (39). People just don't vote for the guy that brings you misery, malaise, foreclosures and bankruptcies, record unemployment, and inflation at the gas pump and grocery store. This election should have been, 100 out of 100 times, a repeat of Reagan’s landslide over Carter. [more...]

Arrogance, Not Truth, Will Guide Obama as He Deals with Benghazi

Those who think that Obama will crumble under the pressure of the Benghazi investigation are dreaming. He has always been a man of arrogance and it will get nothing but worse the more he is pushed into a corner in the search for truth. People who are power hungry do not take well to being challenged - especially those who have lived privileged lives. And our president has certainly lived a privileged life, not the phony image put forth of him for PR purposes that makes people think his background is akin to being born in a log cabin he built himself, and raising his own food and cooking it over an open flame to feed his mother and his entire extended family (or any other tall tale they can come up wit

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