Tuesday, December 4, 2012

12-4-12 Excellent Guests for Your Show

1. Diana West: The "Duranty" Times Strikes Again or How NYT Readers Retain That Rosy Glow
2. Joseph Klein: The Arab Supremacist Islamist 'State' of 'Palestine'
3. Al Fadi: The New Democracy in Egypt: Minority Rule
4. John LeBoutillier: Who is Winning the Fiscal Cliff Negotiations?
5. Steve Gill: Putting a Bug in Their Ear

The "Duranty" Times Strikes Again or How NYT Readers Retain That Rosy Glow

Walter Duranty was an evil, venal fabulist who won a Pulitzer Prize for his coverage of Soviet Russia - only he "forgot" to cover the 1932-1933 Terror Famine in the Ukraine, where Stalin purposefully starved some five or six million people to death. Attempts to dislodge this besmirched award from the Times' grasp in the name of human decency have proved fruitless. Moving right along to yesterday's Times, we have yet another entry in the Times storied annals of reader-deception, this one from Benghazi by reporter Kareem Fahim (with contributions from Osama al-Fitory and Suliman Ali Zway). [more...]

The Arab Supremacist Islamist 'State' of 'Palestine'

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas came to New York for the second time in four months to present the Palestinian case for statehood in person to the United Nations General Assembly. He basked in the glory of thunderous standing ovations, which both preceded and followed his speech. Thousands of miles from Gaza and Ramallah, Abbas was enjoying his own version of a Turtle Bay “New York State of Mind.” [more...]

The New Democracy in Egypt: Minority Rule

Almost twenty months ago, the world celebrated with the Egyptian people the removal of a longtime dictator: Mubarak, as a victory for the new Arab Spring democracy. Almost a year later, things turned sour and the new hope for democracy turned into despair as a result of the apparent control of the Muslim Brotherhoods and Salafis on the direction of the election to choose the new president. By June of this year, it was very clear that the Muslim Brotherhoods are in control of power as the newly elected president of Egypt, Muhammad Morsi, emerged from the ranks of this Islamic group known for its hardliner religious approach, affinity for sharia law, and support for terrorism. [more...]

Who is Winning the Fiscal Cliff Negotiations?

What are the politics behind the Fiscal Cliff negotiations? Does the Left actually want to go over the cliff? Is the President more interested in demolishing the GOP - or averting financial ruination? And what is happening behind the scenes in the already troubled Susan Rice campaign to be nominated and confirmed as Secretary of State?  [more...]

Putting a Bug in Their Ear

Have you ever heard a song on the radio, or maybe just playing overhead in a retail store, that sticks in your head and repeats over and over and over and over again? It is a phenomenon called “earworms”...and it is not really anything new. Researchers say that most of the songs that stick have an upbeat melody, we have heard them to the point of familiarity, and there is a surprise in them - maybe an extra beat or something else that is just slightly “off.” And in most cases they are songs we may actually like... or at least not hate. As we market products and ourselves in an increasingly "noisy" marketplace we want our message to stick, too. Taking some lessons from “earworms” here are a few ideas... [more...]

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