Wednesday, July 6, 2022

7-6-22 Expert Guests for Your Show

1. Cheryl Chumley: Democrats are Great for Republicans

2. Robert J. Marks: Top Gun Maverick - Thrilling but Outdated by Today's AI

3. Steve Turley: Russia and Roe are Crushing the Liberal World Order

4. Scott Powell: How The Declaration of Independence Inspired George Washington's Underdog Army to Win

5. John Ellis: What Does Postmodernism Really Amount to?

Democrats are Great for Republicans

By Cheryl Chumley

Democrats - and don’t forget Rep. Liz Cheney - are giving Republicans massive wind at their backs for both the midterms and the next presidential election. It's not just inflation and supply chain problems that are nipping at Democrats' heels. Those are significant; those present major headaches for almost everybody in America. But it's also Democrat lunacy that's showing as problematic at the polls. The socialists masquerading as Democrats in the House are shoving forward a transgender bill of rights, with more than 80 cosponsors, no less, that would add to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protections for those who are born boys, but prefer to identify as girls, and for those who are born girls, but prefer to identify as boys - and that would, therefore, bring legal punishment upon anyone who chooses not to participate in the lie. [more...] Get Cheryl's New Bestselling Book: LOCKDOWN: The Socialist Plan to Take Away Your Freedom

Top Gun Maverick - Thrilling but Outdated by Today's AI

By Robert J. Marks

How realistic is the continued use of manned aircraft in light of today's technology?

How realistic is the continued use of manned aircraft in light of today’s technology? Considering what today’s military drones can do, the story premise of the new Top Gun is technically outdated. The mission could be better executed by today’s drones, without risk of human life. Instead of riding your horse to the restaurant during a lightning storm, drive your Tesla or, better yet, get Uber Eats to deliver. Use the latest technology. The latest technology in drones is impressive. Consider some of today’s unmanned missile delivery systems... [more...] Get the new book by Dr. Marks: Non-Computable YOU.

Russia and Roe are Crushing the Liberal World Order

By Steve Turley

We are witnessing history in the making; there's just no two ways about it. We are amid one of the single most significant sea changes ever to occur in political and economic history. Perhaps the most significant alteration to the world order since World War I, and two events, more than any other, punctuate this tectonic shift: Russia's invasion of Ukraine on the one hand, and the Supreme Court's reversal of Roe v. Wade on the other. Simply stated: Russia and Roe are changing the world like we never imagined possible just months ago. [more...]

How The Declaration of Independence Inspired George Washington's Underdog Army to Win

By Scott S. Powell

Deeply moved by the power of the Declaration’s words, George Washington ordered copies sent to all generals in the Continental Army

Most Americans celebrating the July 4 holiday don't fully realize that the power of ideas in the Declaration of Independence was the critical enabling factor for the Americans to win the War of Independence. As we reflect on the meaning of July 4 this year, we should celebrate and take heart that the same good ideas and principles - natural God-given rights - expressed in the Declaration of Independence that inspired Washington - are as today as they were then. With renewed courage, those who believe in these ideas will be empowered to make good triumph over evil. [more...]

What Does Postmodernism Really Amount to?

By John M. Ellis

Even its practitioners don't know.

If you want to know what postmodernism is, or just what the word means, you don't get much help from either its advocates or interpreters. Most words that label theories bear some relation to their content: words like "evolution" or "Communism" give you at least the beginning of an understanding of what they are about. But words, like "modernism," that refer only to an unspecified time have the drawback not only of omitting any kind of descriptive content, but also of allowing the passage of time to make their meaning increasingly uncertain. "Postmodernism" is doubly uninformative, referring only to an unspecified period that came after a prior time that is just as indeterminate. [more...]

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