Monday, February 6, 2023

Freedom Center Report Exposes Comcast CEO Brian L. Roberts as "The King of Hate Media"

Roberts has "used MSNBC’s hate machine to divide and slander America."

A report written by Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, and distributed widely to members of Congress and media insiders, exposed Comcast CEO Brian L. Roberts as "The King of Hate Media" for his scandal-laden takeover of NBC in 2012 and subsequent role in promoting far-Left, hate-White People, hate-America propaganda on the network’s channels.

The publication reveals how NBC’s controversial acquisition by Comcast - which was opposed by many concerned with antitrust issues - was lubricated by a corrupt deal with hatemonger Al Sharpton who was subsequently given his own MSNBC show, "PoliticsNation with Al Sharpton."

"In short, without the support of Sharpton and his racist admirers, Comcast would not have been able to gain control of NBC," the report states.

In the years since Comcast’s takeover, NBC, and particularly its cable outlet, MSNBC, have increasingly provided a platform for America’s racists. These include the unhinged Elie Mystal, who said that the United States "Constitution is trash" because it was written by white men, and bragged, "you come out as a Republican, I’m prejudiced against you"; Tiffany Cross, who argued that the media focusing on the economic concerns of Midwesterners was pandering to "racist white people"; and Melissa Harris-Perry, who claimed that the term "hard work" is racist.

MSNBC has also employed foreign enemy propagandists like Ayman Mohyeldin, formerly of Qatar’s Al Jazeera, who defended the Islamic terrorist state during the World Cup and attacked America. Al Velshi, a veteran of Al Jazeera America, ushered in Thanksgiving to its viewers by claiming that the holiday and the nation were built on genocide.

"NBC and MSNBC have become platforms for the Jew-hating, white-hating and America-hating Left," said Freedom Center founder David Horowitz. "To end hateful media, we have to expose them and know who they are."

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