Monday, February 13, 2023

NEWSMAX: AT&T Stock Falls $10 Billion, Trump: Will 'Get Worse'

After dropping Newsmax from its lineup on DirecTV, AT&T stock value has dropped $10 billion while the S&P actually gained during the same period.

AT&T Stock Loses $10 Billion in Value After Newsmax Drop

Since DirecTV dropped Newsmax on Jan. 24, AT&T's stock has fallen by almost 7%, wiping nearly $10 billion from its market value. AT&T, the 70% owner of DirecTV, has come under fierce criticism after deplatforming Newsmax from its satellite TV systems - the second conservative channel it has removed in the past year, with OAN going last April.

Trump on Falling AT&T Stock: 'Reinstate Newsmax; It'll Only Get Worse'

President Trump continued his rebuke of AT&T DirecTV's censorship of Newsmax on Saturday night, warning AT&T's stock fall is "only going to get worse" as disenfranchised conservatives boycott the satellite and streaming services, along with the stock.

"AT&T must reinstate Newsmax immediately, and OAN while they're at it, because it's only going to get worse for AT&T as people flock to leave both their stock and their platform," Trump wrote on Truth Social, linking to Newsmax's report on AT&T's stock losing $10 billion in value since the Jan. 24 removal of Newsmax off AT&T DirecTV's platforms.

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