Tuesday, May 21, 2024

5-21-24 Excellent Guests for Your Show

1. Louie Gohmert: The Marxist Revolution and the Democrat Party 2024

2. Judd Dunning: Vegas Odds Get It Right on Trump

3. Col. John Mills: Hong Kong 2.0 Being Foisted Upon the Solomon Islands in the Pacific

4. Daniel Greenfield: Let’s Take Everyone's Jobs and Put Them on Welfare

5. Cheryl Chumley: Panic Over Polls as Democrats Realize Biden Brand is Bust

6. James Hirsen: Attacks on KC Chiefs Kicker Harrison Butker Fail to Clear the Goalposts

The Marxist Revolution and the Democrat Party 2024

By Louie Gohmert, Fmr. Texas Congressman

Radical Marxist groups, including some with ties to China, are planning on protests at the Chicago Democratic Convention this year. What is so surprising is that there are many Democrats so surprised. They question why groups they have supported with resources and fiery speeches would turn against them. Those Democrats have coddled and loved on the Marxists with glowing praise while condemning their opponents with the harshest of rhetoric and most disparaging of words. These naïve souls are still in need of history lessons that the federal Department of Education does not mandate nor provide. [more...]

Vegas Odds Get It Right on Trump

By Judd Dunning

Recent betting odds give former President Donald Trump a 63.87% of recapturing the White House. 26.88% are betting on President Joe Biden’s reelection with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at 9.25%. Vegas knows. Americans know. Only left elites remain deluded denialists. Historically, presidential betting odds early in election years have been remarkably prescient. They predict election outcomes well in advance without scientific polls. [more...]

Hong Kong 2.0 Being Foisted Upon the Solomon Islands in the Pacific

By Colonel (Ret.) John Mills, Author of War Against the Deep State

Chinese Police in the Solomon Islands are engineering a shadow coup for the minority, pro-CCP political.

This is what happened in Hong Kong. The pro-CCP elements inside Hong Kong engineered a stealth replacement of the long standing, British trained and conditioned Hong Kong Police Force with armed, CCP Para-Military police from the mainland. They were thuggish and brutal in shutting down debate and asphyxiating Hong Kong into submission. [more...]

Let’s Take Everyone's Jobs and Put Them on Welfare

By Daniel Greenfield, Author of DOMESTIC ENEMIES: The Founding Fathers' Fight Against the Left

Big Tech gleefully describes wrecking entire industries as "disruption" and its head honchos love the idea of pushing government welfare. When you’re wiping out middle-class jobs and replacing them with Amazon warehouse work or Door Dash gig driving, well it makes perfect sense to urge politicians to implement lots of welfare, not to mention free health care, and suicide kits to accompany people through their new dystopia. Now that A.I. is booming, it’s time to revive another call for a total welfare state for the permanently unemployed. [more...]

Panic Over Polls as Democrats Realize Biden Brand is Bust

By Cheryl Chumley

The Democrat Party's normal voting bases are fleeing.

President Biden isn't doing so well with polls these days, and nobody knows that more than a campaigning Democrat. "Alarmed Democrats flee Biden’s ailing brand in battleground states," The Hill wrote, in a headline above a story with these opening sentences: "Vulnerable Senate Democrats are distancing themselves from President Biden’s ailing brand after polls show him trailing former President Trump in several battleground states. Democrats in tough races are breaking with Biden over border security, liquified natural gas exports, the Israel-Hamas war, and tariffs on Chinese goods." [more...]

Attacks on KC Chiefs Kicker Harrison Butker Fail to Clear the Goalposts

By James Hirsen

Kansas City Chiefs placekicker Harrison Butker is the latest quarry of the woke mob. His politically incorrect transgression occurred while he was giving a commencement address at a Catholic college. Butker's speech hit quite a few nerves on the left and set off a stadium-sized firestorm. What did he say that was so inflammatory? [more...]

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