Wednesday, May 29, 2024

5-29-24 Expert Guests for Your Show

1. Charles Marino: Nonprofits Making Bank off Vulnerable Migrants

2. Gianna Miceli: Trump Says Gun Owners Need to Vote

3. Col. John Mills: A Dangerous Space Race and China Left the Starting Block an Hour Ago

4. Daniel Greenfield: DNC Switches to 'Virtual Nomination' for Biden to Avoid Floor Fight

5. Cheryl Chumley: Who in their Right Mind Would Pay Tribute to the 'Butcher of Tehran?'

6. Kenneth Rapoza: FDA Official Laments to Congress That Drug Recall Decisions Rely on Foreign Labs

7. James Hirsen: Robert De Niro's Disastrous Political Junket

Nonprofits Making Bank off Vulnerable Migrants

Charles Marino, Author of TERRORISTS ON THE BORDER and in Our Country, who served as an advisor to the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security during the Obama administration, says that "the waste, fraud, and abuse of taxpayer money connected with Biden’s handling of migrant children will rival what we saw with the COVID federal money.” The Free Press focused its report on "three of the most prominent NGOs that have benefited: Global Refuge, Southwest Key Programs, and Endeavors, Inc.” [more...]

Trump Says Gun Owners Need to Vote

By Gianna Miceli

Were you aware that gun owners are notoriously absent when it comes time to vote? Donald Trump spoke at the recent annual NRA meeting in Dallas to a packed house of patriots who really care about their second amendment rights. While I always want politicians to align with the principles of the Founding Fathers, we do not have to wait for them. You're already in control of your rights! Trump promised the NRA audience that he would fight for their "right to bear arms" and urged them to VOTE. The firearm industry couldn't agree more and are focused on the #GUNVOTE voter registration, education and mobilization campaign. Why fight? Just exercise your rights! [more...]

A Dangerous Space Race and China Left the Starting Block an Hour Ago

By Colonel (Ret.) John Mills, Author of War Against the Deep State

11,000 maneuver alerts a month on Chinese space activity versus "6 or 7" a month in 2019. A maneuver alert means re-positioning a satellite to get a better angle, view, vantage point. Nano seconds and nano millimeters count in getting that absolute best positioning. We're training and delivering "six" space analysts a month - nowhere near enough to properly staff Space Force. China is conducting 200 launches a year of new satellites. There is a dangerous Space Race on, China left the starting block, and we're still in the locker room. [more...]

DNC Switches to 'Virtual Nomination' for Biden to Avoid Floor Fight

By Daniel Greenfield, Author of DOMESTIC ENEMIES: The Founding Fathers' Fight Against the Left

Officially the reason that the DNC is going with a ‘virtual roll call’ for the Biden nomination is the issue in Ohio. But Gov. DeWine has offered to quickly pass a bill to make sure that Biden will still be on the ballot. The DNC's decision to switch to a virtual roll call may be exploiting worries about Ohio, but like the rest of its campaign decisions has more to do with locking in the nomination for Biden while avoiding a floor fight. [more...]

Who in their Right Mind Would Pay Tribute to the 'Butcher of Tehran?'

By Cheryl Chumley

Where has America's moral compass under Joe Biden gone?

The United Nations lowered its flag to half-staff outside its New York City building while all representatives of the Security Council joined in a moment of silence for the "Butcher of Tehran" - the now-dead Iranian president, Ebrahim Raisi, after he was killed in a helicopter crash along with his foreign minister and others. That's not so surprising. The United Nations is filled with anti-Israel antisemites. What is surprising - and outrageous and disgusting and horrific - is that certain Americans joined this expression of sympathy. Where are their moral compasses? It’s not as if the Biden administration didn’t know of the butcher’s crimes against humanity. [more...]

FDA Official Laments to Congress That Drug Recall Decisions Rely on Foreign Labs

By Kenneth Rapoza, Industry Analyst from the Coalition for a Prosperous America

When drugs are pulled from pharmacy shelves, it's somewhat of a well-kept secret that it is the pharmaceutical company that voluntarily warns buyers of the potential harm from the defect. The Food & Drug Administration (FDA), and Americans who take prescription drugs daily, are reliant on the good graces of labs, most of them foreign seeing how over 80% of America's generic drugs are not made domestically. [more...]

Robert De Niro's Disastrous Political Junket

By James Hirsen

In the wake of the Manhattan Trump trial, Democrats went nuts and evidently decided it was time to take some serious counter-offensive action. In what looked and smelled a lot like a Hollywood junket, the Biden campaign recently held a surprise press conference of its own outside the now-famous Manhattan courtroom. It featured none other than actor Robert De Niro, along with two former Capitol police officers. The big problem for the Dems, though, is that the event turned out to be a huge flop at the political box office. [more...]

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