Tuesday, July 9, 2024

7-9-24 Expert Guests for Your Show

1. Charles Marino: Cartels 'Bombarding' The U.S., Expanding into the North

2. Kenneth Rapoza: Goods and Services Deficits

3. Daniel Greenfield: The Government Spent Five Years Trying to Shut Down the Freedom Center

4. Col. John Mills: The Chinese Spy Base Infrastructure in Cuba is Far Worse Than We Thought

5. John Lott: What Vivek Murthy Gets Wrong about Gun Crime

6. Gianna Miceli: Trump's SCOTUS Picks are Paying Off

7. James Hirsen: Ban on Smartphones in Schools Earns Bipartisan Support

Cartels 'Bombarding' The U.S., Expanding into the North

Charles Marino, Author of TERRORISTS ON THE BORDER and in Our Country, who served as an advisor to the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security during the Obama administration, says, "The country is being bombarded by the Mexican cartels who have benefited by the policies of the Biden administration from the start. They've never been as powerful as they are right now both financially and operationally. But why not expand those operations and double the money? They're willing to work with whoever they need to whether it's state actors or non-state actors. We know what they're doing via fentanyl with China right out in the open. They're working very closely together and working with terrorist organizations to traffic suspected terrorists into America..." [more...]

Goods and Services Deficits

By Kenneth Rapoza, Industry Analyst from the Coalition for a Prosperous America

The goods and services deficit for May rose a tad to $75 billion, up 0.8% from the previous month. Meanwhile, the goods deficit alone for January-May hit $477.15 billion up from $452.4 billion in the same period last year, the Bureau of Economic Analysis said last week. May exports totaled $261.7 billion, $1.8 billion less than April exports and May imports were $336.7 billion, $1.2 billion less than April imports. The May increase in the goods and services deficit reflected an increase in the goods deficit of $0.9 billion to $100.2 billion. Yeartodate, the goods and services deficit increased $14.4 billion, or 4.2%, from the same period in 2023. There are no signs anywhere in the economy that the U.S. trade deficit will correct anytime soon, barring a severe downturn in the economy. [more...]

The Government Spent Five Years Trying to Shut Down the Freedom Center

By Daniel Greenfield, Author of DOMESTIC ENEMIES: The Founding Fathers' Fight Against the Left

Since its confused retreat from Afghanistan, the Biden administration has spent more time trying to shut down the David Horowitz Freedom Center than fighting Al Qaeda. While Freedom Center Investigates has documented multiple cases of terrorists benefiting from nonprofit status, the IRS ignores and continues to pursue the Center's nonprofit status. Five years should have been more than enough to decide the issue one way or another, but instead we have been left suspended in a state of permanent investigation because while there's no basis for shutting us down, bleeding us from a thousand cuts makes it harder for the Freedom Center to do our work, to raise money and to keep holding the Left accountable. [more...]

The Chinese Spy Base Infrastructure in Cuba is Far Worse Than We Thought

By Colonel (Ret.) John Mills, Author of War Against the Deep State

There is not "a" Chinese Spy Base in Cuba. There are at least five.

Thank you, Wall Street Journal and Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), for doing the work of the American Intelligence Community. The IC can take the rest of the day off (which they appear to be taking many of). If the Chinese have such an infrastructure in place, they have missiles in place to defend the infrastructure. We have a Cuban Missile Crisis II in progress. [more...]

What Vivek Murthy Gets Wrong about Gun Crime

By John Lott

The surgeon general wants to promote gun control through public health. He should try to get his facts right first.

"Firearms are the leading cause of death for children and adolescents," U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy said recently, calling the situation a "public health crisis." It has been a favorite talking point of the Biden White House. Both Biden and Kamala Harris continue to claim that gunshots are the leading cause of death of "children." Of course, the news media and "fact-checkers" push these claims. The concern is that the Biden administration will use a public-health emergency to impose even more gun control through executive actions. [more...]

Trump's SCOTUS Picks are Paying Off

By Gianna Miceli

It's time to learn the meaning of "administrative" in the law. As an activist for the restoration of the government respecting the rights of the people, my Freedom Coalition teaches how to enforce your rights using the "common law," which means the law under The Constitution, The Bill of Rights, and The Declaration of Independence. Here are some great examples of how SCOTUS decisions are having great effects on 'We the People'... [more...]

Ban on Smartphones in Schools Earns Bipartisan Support

By James Hirsen

Just when it seemed that no common ground between the right and the left in the country could be found, an issue has emerged where both sides are in agreement: It's time to rid the classrooms of mobile digital devices (a/k/a smartphones) during school hours. In numerous places across the country, school districts have been banning cell phone usage by students, due to the increased awareness of the detrimental effects that unsupervised technological and social media engagement can have on the physical, mental, social, and emotional development of our children. [more...]

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