Tuesday, March 20, 2012

3-20-12 Expert Commentators for Your Show

1. James Hirsen: George Clooney’s Admirable Sudan Stand
2. Doug Johnson: Our Imminent Collapse
3. Joseph Klein: Another Obama Power Grab
4. Al Fadi: The Dilemma of Democracy and Islamic Terrorism
5. Christopher Markowski: Why We Should Kill the SEC

George Clooney’s Admirable Sudan Stand
By James Hirsen

George Clooney, several congressional members, and a group of additional activists recently gathered to protest the actions of the government of Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir. The actor and his fellow protesters were arrested outside Sudan’s embassy in Washington, D.C. "I can actually have an opinion and it may not fit what the U.N. wants and it may not fit what other people want," Clooney told NBC. "And so I think it's a lot easier than running for office. I don't have any interest in that." It is a worthy cause for which the Oscar winner has engaged in an act of planned civil disobedience, one that transcends conventional political labels. [more...]

Our Imminent Collapse
By Doug Johnson

Our nation is facing bankruptcy and few people are noticing. With limited exception, our political leaders go on pretending nothing is wrong. This is about an imminent collapse the likes of the Great Depression or worse. We’re not talking about a famous passage of time like an eminent elapse would be. We’re not talking about a famous failure and falling back into bad behavior like an eminent relapse would be. We’re talking about an imminent (as in about to happen, fast-approaching, handwriting-on-the-wall, impending, inescapable, inevitable, likely, looming, menacing, on the verge, unavoidable) collapse (as in bankruptcy, cataclysm, catastrophe, crash, disintegration, failure, ruination, undoing). [more...]

Another Obama Power Grab
By Joseph Klein

The Obama administration issued a new executive order last Friday entitled “National Defense Resources Preparedness.” The Executive Order cited the powers granted to the president by the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended, and the president’s constitutional authority as commander-in-chief as the basis for asserting more breathtaking presidential powers over key sectors of the U.S. economy, not only during wars and national emergencies, but also during peacetime. The new executive order gives the president and his executive branch agency heads far more power than was contemplated by Congress in the Defense Production Act. [more...]

The Dilemma of Democracy and Islamic Terrorism
By Al Fadi

Since 9/11, the NYPD developed a surveillance program designed to spy on Muslims. The purpose of the program was to track activities of Muslims at Mosques, Islamic centers, communities, and universities. It also included cataloging mosques and Muslim-owned businesses, recording the license plates of worshippers at mosques, infiltrating student groups and eavesdropping in Muslim neighborhoods The motive behind such surveillance was to detect and deter any terror activities in the wake of the 9/11 attack on NY. When asked about this, attorney General Eric Holder told Congress last week that he’s disturbed by what he’s read about the New York Police Department conducting surveillance of mosques and Islamic student organizations in New Jersey. Unfortunately, one should not go further than the pages of the Qur’an, the Muslims’ holiest book, from which they draw all of their daily life spiritual and moral needs and codes of conduct... one can find some disturbing passages that can shed some light on why SOME Muslims commit acts of terror and violence against others, which in turn can justify what the intelligence community is doing to protect freedom, and the public at-large. [more...]

Why We Should Kill the SEC
By Christopher Markowski

As the speed of trading literally approaches the speed of light, the SEC can't keep up. To wit, there's SEC Chairman Mary L. Schapiro's claim that many of the Wall Street firms her agency regulates have technology budgets that are larger than her total operating costs. But it's easy to blame the regulators. What's much harder to do is blame the real culprits: Ourselves. [more...]

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