Tuesday, October 9, 2012

10-9-12 Great Guests for Your Show

1. Wayne Allyn Root: Outspoken Obama Classmate: The President Used the IRS to Punish Me through 18-Month ‘Witch Hunt’
2. Doug Johnson: Why Biden Has a Better Chance of Debate Success than Obama Did
3. Dave Bego: Obama Attacks Private Jet Owners

Outspoken Obama Classmate: The President Used the IRS to Punish Me through 18-Month ‘Witch Hunt’

Wayne Allyn Root, the 2008 Libertarian Party’s vice-presidential nominee, is an outspoken political commentator. The Politico, who recently announced that he’s rejoining the Republican Party and supporting Mitt Romney for president, also has a new purported role: An active member of President Barack Obama’s enemies list. Root is now alleging that the president is targeting him and using the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to do it. [more...]

Why Biden Has a Better Chance of Debate Success than Obama Did

When writing before the debate between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama, the mainstream media and Democrats were confident that Obama could not be beaten. With the upcoming debate between Joe Biden and Paul Ryan, everyone pretty much assumes that Biden will be outperformed by Ryan, even though the left won't admit it publicly. The expectations for Biden are low, much unlike what the expectations were for Obama in last week’s debate. But in some ways Biden has a much better chance of debate victory than Obama did. With a history that is as bumbling and gaffe-prone as anyone you could probably name, Joe Biden’s debate performance is really not expected by anyone to be great. In fact, those on the left are most likely hoping that he just gets through the debate without getting his foot so far into his mouth that they can’t live it down. [more...]

Obama Attacks Private Jet Owners

In last week's presidential debate, Obama attacked private jet owners with the comment if they could afford jets they could afford to pay more taxes. The incredulous comment by the President threw union members/jobs under the bus and Romney did not capitalize on it! Most private jet manufacturers have suffered the loss of significant revenues since Obama first attacked the industry during the G.M. bailout in 2009 and subsequently have had thousands of employees laid off who are union members. He just attacked the industry again and got a pass from the media. Big Labor bosses should be howling, but instead remain quiet as members suffer, because they have reaped significant political benefits from this administration, such as increased NLRB and DOL regulations on businesses intended to achieve Card Check. [more...]

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