Monday, March 9, 2015

Republican Liberty Caucus Announces Wayne Allyn Root as Chairman of National Campaign Committee

The National Board of the Republican Liberty Caucus (RLC) has voted to name Wayne Allyn Root as Chairman of its National Campaign Committee as well as Chairman of the RLC Advisory Board. Root, now back to his lifelong Republican roots, was the Libertarian vice presidential nominee in 2008, as well as an elected board member of the Libertarian National Committee, and Chairman of the Libertarian National Campaign Committee.

One of America’s most vocal critics of the Obama administration, Root is a frequent radio and TV guest, political commentator, syndicated political columnist, and the author of the national bestselling books, "The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide" and "The Murder of the Middle Class."

"We are very excited to have Wayne on board," said Matt NyeRLC National Chairman. "Wayne is an extremely talented, charismatic and dynamic media personality; he's an outspoken advocate for liberty, but he is particularly fierce on economic freedom and the U.S. Constitution."

At the time Root joined the Libertarian Presidential ticket in 2008, the Bob Barr-Wayne Root presidential ticket was the second most successful vote-getter in the party's history. Root says that experience showed him just how heavily the scales are tilted in favor of the two-party system.

"As the Libertarian Party’s vice presidential nominee, I called myself a 'REAGAN libertarian,' in honor of my heroes Ronald Reagan and his mentor Barry Goldwater," Root said. "I will forever be a libertarian leaning Republican-conservative, and I am grateful for my start in national politics with the Libertarian Party." [more...]

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