Tuesday, March 1, 2022

3-1-22 Excellent Guests for Your Show

1. David Horowitz: Black Lives Matter's True Colors

2. Patrick Wood: Biodiversity - The Genetic Takeover of All Living Things

3. Steve Turley: Trump Crushes Biden on Ukraine

4. Scott S. Powell: Faith and America - In God We Trust

5. James Hirsen: Kelsey Grammer to Star in 'Jesus Revolution'

6. Kenneth Rapoza: The Anatomy of the China-Russia Axis Alliance

Black Lives Matter's True Colors

By David Horowitz

The malicious, self-serving criminal agendas of a racial hoax.

It's been almost two years since the summer of violent Black Lives Matter insurrections and cop-hating crusades.  The actions of that summer inflicted $2 billion in property damage in 220 American cities, killed scores of people, and spiked record homicide rates in a dozen municipalities run by Democrat politicians and supporters.  This unprecedented eruption of hatred and violence was fueled by a racial hoax claiming that there was an "open season" on black lives, despite the fact that there is no evidence to support this claim, whether statistical or circumstantial. My book, I CAN'T BREATHE: How a Racial Hoax is Killing America is THE comprehensive analysis of the biggest hoax of the twenty-first century known as Black Lives Matter. [more...]   Watch David Horowitz on OANN.

Biodiversity - The Genetic Takeover of All Living Things

By Patrick Wood

The World Economic Forum’s self-declared "Great Reset" has two aspects: first, is the radical economic transformation promoted as Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy; second is the radical transformation of all living things, including humans, aka Transhumanism. The WEF's own website speaks plainly about both. This has led me to describe this phenomenon like this: "Technocracy is to the structure of society as Transhumanism is to those who live in that society." [more...]

Trump Crushes Biden on Ukraine

By Steve Turley

A new Harvard-Harris survey is utterly devastating for Biden. According to the poll, 62 percent of American voters believe that Vladimir Putin would have never invaded Ukraine had President Trump still been in office, which of course raises the question: how many of those 62 percent voted for Biden? We know at the very least that 38 percent of Democrats believe that. Biden's poll numbers are literally crumbling - according to an ABC News poll, about as liberal as an organization can get, Biden has fallen to just 37 percent, and this is after ABC did everything they could to weigh the poll in favor of the Democrats. [more...]

Faith and America - In God We Trust

By Scott S. Powell

Up until recently, most Americans have taken it for granted that we are free to pursue happiness, free to worship God, free to speak publicly of our views, and, of course, free to choose our leaders. But we have experienced a progression of events and a continuing orchestration of even more radical measures that put all of that at grave risk. Our two greatest presidents, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, both believed that if the United States should falter and be defeated, it would come not from an invasion from overseas, but rather from within - from party faction, moral corruption and the internal enemies of the country and its Constitution and our inherent belief in God. We can all now see the woke agenda, which includes destroying the American people’s connection to our heritage and faith. My new book Rediscovering America addresses our challenges head-on by explaining why the discovery and founding of America and its rapid rise as a world power happened because our founders had faith in God. [more...]

Kelsey Grammer to Star in 'Jesus Revolution'

By James Hirsen

An upcoming project titled "Jesus Revolution" tells the true story of the "Jesus movement," the 1960s youth-oriented embrace of Christianity that began in a small community of Southern California hippies and ultimately wrapped its arms around the globe. Little could the affectionately termed "Jesus freaks" have known at the time that they would spark a national religious awakening, one that continues to this very day. The movie will feature six-time Emmy winner Kelsey Grammer in the starring role. Kelsey will portray the late great founding pastor of the Calvary Chapel churches, Chuck Smith. [more...]

The Anatomy of the China-Russia Axis Alliance

By Kenneth Rapoza, China Expert/Industry Analyst for the Coalition for a Prosperous America

According to a New York Times article last week, the U.S. asked for China’s assistance in getting Vladimir Putin to back off invasion plans. But given the animosity with Washington, China did not want to get involved. Instead, Beijing reportedly shared with the Kremlin what they were being asked to do by Washington. Beijing has continually blamed the U.S. for pushing Russia over the edge, avoiding critique of the Ukrainian government, whom they consider a Belt and Road partner. [more...]

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