Tuesday, March 8, 2022

3-8-22 Great Guests for Your Show

1. Scott S. Powell: 'The Great Reset' is Really the Takedown of America

2. John Lott: Media Continue Rewriting History on Trayvon Martin Anniversary

3. David Horowitz: Exposing the Racial Hoax that is Killing America

4. Patrick Wood: ESG Scoring Drives Companies into Sustainable Development, A/K/A Technocracy

5. Kenneth Rapoza: How Biden Gave China the Solar Industry

6. Judd Dunning: The Putin Problem - The New American Crisis of Ethical Leadership, Sophisticated Statesmanship and Strength

'The Great Reset' is Really the Takedown of America

By Scott S. Powell

If the American people have been lied to by their government and its agencies about every important public policy matter in the last two years, why should we now believe their narratives about the cause of the Russia-Ukraine conflict? Since the globalist financial deep state has engineered for political purposes many wars over that last 60-70 years, it seems plausible that the Russia-Ukraine conflict is also an engineered regional war, provoked to shift media attention away from the most important and central story of our time, which is the accelerating takedown of America. And since a key part of that U.S. takedown is a financial crisis - perhaps from a combination of factors, such as a stock market and/or U.S. debt market collapse, commodity shortages, rampant inflation and the disruption of the flow and transport of energy, accompanied by $150/barrel oil and $5-6/gallon gasoline, the deep state-controlled Biden administration will of course simply deflect responsibility and blame it on Putin and the Russia-Ukraine conflict. And as a result, with Americans being once again deceived, we edge ever closer to crisis and collapse and the final and total subordination of America to a new global deep state tyranny. [more...] Watch Scott Powell on OANN

Media Continue Rewriting History on Trayvon Martin Anniversary

By Dr. John Lott

On the 10th anniversary of Trayvon Martin's death, the media was still rewriting history. He is still being depicted as an innocent young victim minding his own business who wasn't a threat to anyone in Sanford, Florida, when George Zimmerman shot him. "The killing of this baby-faced, hoodie-wearing, unarmed youth at the hands of a stranger still reverberates 10 years later," wrote the Associated Press. It's almost as if there hadn't been a trial, and that the evidence wasn't clear and overwhelming. And The anniversary is opening old racial wounds. [more...]

Exposing the Racial Hoax that is Killing America

By David Horowitz

In the latest episode of Book Talk with CorbinCorbin Seavers interviewed David Horowitz, founder of the David Horowitz Freedom Center and bestselling author of his latest bookI Can't Breathe: How a Racial Hoax is Killing Americaand Dexter Pitts, a police officer and author of I Am Pitts: Memoirs of an American Patriot. The two freedom fighters discuss the criminal, malicious, and destructive nature of the communist revolutionary movement Black Lives Matter and the hoax it is still perpetrating on Americans. [more...]  Watch David Horowitz on OANN.

ESG Scoring Drives Companies into Sustainable Development, A/K/A Technocracy

By Patrick Wood

ESG stands for "Environmental, Social, Corporate Governance" and has been likened to a globalized Social Credit Scoring system for business. If you have a high ESG score, it will be easy to qualify for credit, to get the best deals with vendors and to participate in the global supply chain. Alas, if you don't have a high ESG score, you won't be in business long unless you change your behavior and knuckle under to its demands. So, how is ESG determined and who sets the rules and guidelines? [more...]

How Biden Gave China the Solar Industry

By Kenneth Rapoza, China Expert/Industry Analyst for the Coalition for a Prosperous America

Trump giveth, Biden (and Xi) taketh. On February 22, LG Electronics USA, based in Huntsville, Alabama, announced they were exiting the solar business. Some 200 workers were pink-slipped in a green economy that's fast becoming an Asian jobs program. The company blamed "supply constraints" and "logistics costs" for the exit. They are being too diplomatic. [more...]

The Putin Problem - The New American Crisis of Ethical Leadership, Sophisticated Statesmanship and Strength

By Judd Dunning

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a direct consequence of America’s current weakness. The American left is attempting to gaslight the world by denying this direct correlation. The next foreign policy domino is the possible pending advance of China on Taiwan. There is no high political science here. Under Joe Biden, America has rapidly declined economically and militarily. Liberals have shelved their goal of world peace in favor of keeping the agenda of a self-serving deep state ahead. The current Russian war on Ukraine could have been avoided with good American leadership. National security and honoring agreements take a back seat to the fictional crises of inequality, climate change, systemic racism and voter suppression. Due to inept leadership and misplaced priorities, America now faces heightened risks of international war. 

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