Friday, June 26, 2015

Was Supreme Court Justice Roberts Blackmailed?

It's time to start asking the question. It's time to be cynical. It's time to assume the worst of this government. Has Supreme Court Justice John Roberts been blackmailed or intimidated? I would put nothing by the Obama administration that lives and rules by the Chicago thug playbook.

Is the idea implausible that this same Obama administration that orders IRS attacks, then orders destruction of key evidence, would stop at nothing to save Obama's signature achievement? Is it impossible to believe that Obama and his socialist cabal that learned from Saul Alinsky that "the ends justify the means" would hold something over a Supreme Court justice's head? It's time to ask the question loudly and boldly because something is clearly wrong in Washington, D.C.

Is that the purpose of government agencies like the IRS and the NSA that are abusing our rights – to listen to us, to watch us, to find something we've done wrong, and then use it to intimidate, harass, threaten or extort key political figures so that Obama can "fundamentally change America?" [more...]

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