Thursday, May 23, 2019

5-23-19 Excellent Guests for Your Show

1. Michael Stumo: Across-the-Board China Tariff Would Boost U.S. Economy, Create Thousands of Jobs
2. David Horowitz: Report on "The Top Ten Neo-Nazi Incidents" on American Campuses Exposes Scourge of Leftist Jew Hatred 
3. Daniel Greenfield: What is Mitt Romney Doing in the Senate?
4. Christine Douglass-Williams: "Ramadan Rage" Leaves 364 Dead and 404 Injured in Two Weeks
5. Joseph P. Duggan: Terror Attacks on Saudi Oil Operations Expose the Folly of Rubio and Graham’s Moralism

Across-the-Board China Tariff Would Boost U.S. Economy, Create Thousands of Jobs
By Michael Stumo

We have released a groundbreaking study on the impact of a potential 25 percent across-the-board tariff on all imports from China. Our research found that such a move would deliver significant, sustained benefits for the U.S. economy, including the creation of 771 million additional jobs and an additional $125 billion to GDP over five years. “China’s rise has come at the expense of U.S. jobs and manufacturing,” said CPA Chairman Dan DiMicco. “This new research demonstrates just how much the United States stands to gain from reclaiming our manufacturing base. Blind adherence to free trade clearly hasn’t worked; and boosting domestic production should now be our top priority.” [more...]

Report on "The Top Ten Neo-Nazi Incidents" on American Campuses Exposes Scourge of Leftist Jew Hatred 
By David Horowitz

Horrifying instances of anti-Semitism on prestigious American campuses including UCLA, Columbia University, the University of Minnesota, Tufts University, and the University of Michigan are among those cited by the David Horowitz Freedom Center in a new report on "An Epidemic of Jew Hatred on Campus: the Top Ten Neo-Nazi Incidents." The report explains that Jew Hatred - a prejudice often attributed by the media to conservatives - is rapidly becoming part of mainstream Leftist dogma. This is nowhere more true than on our nation’s college campuses, where neo-Nazi incidents have only grown in their violence and magnitude. [more...]

What is Mitt Romney Doing in the Senate?
By Daniel Greenfield

On Sunday, Willard Mitt Romney visited CNN to praise Rep. Justin Amash’s call for President Trump’s impeachment as “courageous.” He also claimed that it’s “way too early” to support Trump. The Senator from Utah then claimed that, "the president has distanced himself from some of the best qualities of the human character.” It’s never “way too early” for Mitt Romney to rise to the heights of moral condescension based on stunning accomplishments of character such as stabbing conservatives in the back. Romney is a 71-year-old freshman senator. Before this year, the last time Romney held elected office was in 2007. Twelve years ago. Since then he lost two elections, one to McCain and one to Obama, burning through half-a-billion dollars, before heading to Utah and outspending his opponent 5-1 on a Senate race he couldn’t lose. In reality, Mitt has done little more than take cheap shots at Trump. [more...]

"Ramadan Rage" Leaves 364 Dead and 404 Injured in Two Weeks
By Christine Douglass-Williams

“Islamic terrorists have carried out an estimated 76 attacks in nearly 15 countries since the beginning of Ramadan this month, killing at least 364 people and injuring 404 others in the first two weeks of the holiest month for Muslims.” The lives of these victims are worth no less than the lives taken in the errant Christchurch massacre in New Zealand but the silence over “Ramadan rage” murders is deafening. [more...]

Terror Attacks on Saudi Oil Operations Expose the Folly of Rubio and Graham’s Moralism
By Joseph P. Duggan

Tanker ships and the strategic pipeline of Aramco, the world's largest oil company, suffered terrorist attacks last week. Aramco has the monopoly on all Saudi Arabian oil production and is wholly owned by the Saudi government, the United States' most powerful ally in the Middle East. The attacks at sea and in the heart of Saudi Arabia coincide with the upcoming public release of President Trump's Arab-Israeli peace plan, for which Saudi Arabia and Israel already are signaling support. Iran or its allies are suspected of responsibility for the attacks. [more...]

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