Monday, November 30, 2020

How the 2020 Election Ends in a Trump Win

By Dr. Jerome Corsi

We are entering the endgame of the 2020 presidential election. All the crises of 2020 have been an orchestrated and carefully planned series of events designed to produce chaos. I predicted the final act of the coup d’état would be what we are experiencing now: the massive Democratic voter and election fraud undertaken through a carefully coordinated strategy of mail-in ballot fraud, computer switching of votes, and mail harvesting by Democratic operatives that would end in the Democrats stealing enough votes to win the presidency as well as both houses of Congress.

The Deep State coup d’état began on June 16, 2015, the day Donald Trump came down the escalator in Trump Tower to announce his candidacy for president of the United States. In my new eBook, I present compelling evidence that the goal of the Deep State was to steal the election for Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris. The fact that the Deep State intended to steal the election makes understandable why the Democrats nominated Joe Biden for president, despite him being a corrupt 78-year-old Washington establishment professional politician who shows signs of reduced mental capacity apparent to many voters as early onset dementia.

It also explains why the Democrats thought they could win by nominating as vice president Kamala Harris, a radical left socialist politician with a problematic personal history, who was so unpopular with her own party that she was unable to win a single Democratic Party primary contest. But if the Democrats were going to steal the election anyway, it did not matter that Biden and Harris were perhaps one of the most unlikely to win presidential tickets nominated by either party in decades.

In this eBook, I predict President Trump will win re-election because of what I always say: Donald Trump always looks like he is going to lose just before he wins. [more...]

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